

Privacy Policy

ALPHACLIC LTD ("We" or "Us") takes your privacy seriously. We are committed to handling the personal data that We process about you ("Data") in a transparent manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and to ensuring its confidentiality and security.

This Privacy Policy applies to Data that we collect about you as an individual through our website and related mobile phone tracking service (the "Site"). By accessing and using the Site, you agree to this Privacy Policy and to the processing of Data as explained below. If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from accessing and using Our Site.

This version is dated 02/04/2020. It may be updated from time to time, in which case you will be informed by email. Any access to and use of the Site after having been notified of the modification implies your acceptance of the said modifications.

1. What is personal data?

Personal data is any data that can identify an individual. Such data can either identify you directly (e.g. your first and last name, e-mail address) or indirectly by combining various pieces of information about you (e.g. the IP address of your computer, your credit card or telephone number).

2. What type of Data about you may be collected and processed by us?

The Data We may collect when you use our Site is as follows:

  • Data that you provide to us yourself by registering and using our Site:
    • Using the geolocation service requires you to register on our Site and, as such, the collection of the following Data:
      • Your email address
      • Your first name
      • Your Name
      • Your address
      • Your city
      • Your Country
    • Exchanges. You may provide us with other Data when you interact with us through our contact page or otherwise, assuming that the collection and subsequent processing is on your own initiative, and therefore with your consent.
  • The data that we are led to process automatically because of your navigation on the Site. This data, which, with the exception of your Internet Protocol address, does not contain personal data in the aforementioned sense, includes:
    • Device information: e.g. your hardware model, operating system version, or unique device ID.
    • Log Information: Information collected automatically when you browse our Site in server logs includes your Internet Protocol address and device and event information (such as outages, system activity, browser type, browser language, and the date and time of your browsing activities).
    • Cookies and similar technologies: Cookies and similar technologies are used to collect and store information when you visit our Website, for example to identify your browser or device.

In order to obtain more information and to learn how and to what extent you can avoid such automatic collection of information, please refer to our notice regarding cookies

3. For what purpose do we process your Data?

  • Data that you provide to us yourself by registering and using our Site:
    • These Data are processed in particular for the following purposes:
    • allow you to use the mobile phone geolocation service offered by Our Site;
    • answer your questions when you contact Us directly;
    • provide you with information about our products and services.
    • Your consent to the processing of your Data for these purposes may be withdrawn at any time by sending an e-mail to : . Any request to this effect will however be treated as a request to unsubscribe and terminate the contract between Us, and will take effect by the end of the current month.
  • The data that We are led to treat automatically because of your navigation on the Site:
    • Such data may be processed for the following purposes :
    • improve the use and functionality of the Site;
    • Understand which services and products are of interest to you;
    • adapt and develop new products and services ;
    • correcting errors ;
    • identify users who commit illegal acts or infringe our rights.

4. With whom do we share your Data?

We may disclose and share some of your Data with :

  • The service providers and processors We use to ensure the proper functioning of the Site, in particular Our hosting provider and payment processing provider.
  • In this context, we use the services of the company GOOGLE LLC for hosting. As regards the payment process, we use the company STRIPE, which alone holds your credit card number, to the exclusion of ALPHACLIC LTD which never has access to it. For more information on the treatment that these companies reserve for your Data, we invite you to consult the pages and
  • These suppliers may access your Data and/or process it on Our behalf. In accordance with applicable legal requirements, We take commercially reasonable steps to require third parties to adequately protect your Information and only process it in accordance with Our instructions.
  • Any third party to whom We have been ordered or obliged to disclose your Data because of a court order or order from a government authority.
  • Any entity likely to intervene for emergency purposes that requires such disclosure
  • In addition, ALPHACLIC LTD may also disclose your Data in the performance of its legal obligations, pursuant to an order issued by a judicial or administrative authority, or in connection with legal proceedings.

Under no circumstances will your data be sold to third parties, in particular for marketing or promotional purposes.

5. Where is your Data stored?

We take steps to ensure that the Data collected is processed in accordance with this Policy and applicable laws.

Your Data is hosted by GOOGLE LLC, whose servers are located in France. Notwithstanding the foregoing, your Data may occasionally be processed outside of Switzerland or France, especially if the mobile phone numbers you wish to locate are located abroad, assuming such data transfer is done with your consent.

6. How do we protect your Data?

We are committed to ensuring the security of your Data.

To this end, we use a variety of technologies and security measures to protect your Data from unauthorized access, use, modification or disclosure at a level appropriate to the type of Data involved.

In addition, we endeavour to contractually ensure that the aforementioned service providers used by us process your Data in a similarly secure manner in order to ensure its confidentiality and integrity.

Despite all efforts, it is not possible to fully guarantee the security of the information that is exchanged on the Internet. Any data you transmit is transmitted at your own risk.

7. How long do we keep your Data?

We keep your Data for as long as you have a personal account. After you have unsubscribed, we may retain your Data if required by law or until any contractual claims made in connection with your account become time-barred.

8. Use of Cookies

The first time you visit our Site, you may see a message at the bottom of the screen concerning the use of cookies. A cookie is then stored on your terminal so that your browser knows that you have seen this message and does not display it on your next visit.

By browsing our Site, you have the possibility of accepting or refusing the use of cookies for statistical purposes. These cookies are used to evaluate the frequentation and use made by the Internet users of our Site, in order to continuously improve its navigability and the relevance of the contents offered.

By accepting cookies, the servers automatically record information of a general nature concerning your navigation. The statistical analysis of this information allows the continuous improvement of the site. It is carried out by Google Analytics.

The data collected are the IP address, the geographical origin, the date of the visit, its duration, the pages consulted and their sequence, as well as the pages shared on social networks. They are anonymized and We do not analyze individual paths. We do not share them with other organizations for commercial purposes, nor do we transmit them to other sites.

You can indicate that you agree with the use of cookies by selecting the "Yes, I accept" option offered to you or by simply continuing to browse Our Site. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the "No, I refuse" option, in which case, however, you may not be able to use Our Site.

All cookies that are used on Our Site have a lifetime of 90 days, after which they are automatically deleted. You have the possibility at any time to delete cookies before this expiration date by selecting the "erase/delete cookies" option in the management parameters of your browser. The next time you visit the site, you will again be asked whether you wish to accept or reject the use of cookies.

9. Social media and other websites

We are likely to be present on different networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc. When you visit our page within these different networks, you should first read and understand the tools provided by these platforms that allow you to define how you intend to share your Data within these networks.

The privacy practices or policies of the relevant platforms do indeed apply to them, and we therefore encourage you to read their applicable privacy policies, terms of use and any other information relating to how your Data is handled there.

In addition, our Site may contain references or links to other websites and social media, including through social media feeds; if you follow these links, you will leave our website. Access to and use of these sites is your responsibility. ALPHACLIC LTD has no influence whatsoever on the form and content of the linked sites.

10. What rights do you have with regard to your Data?

You have the right (i) to submit an access request to find out what categories of Data we process about you, for what purposes, how we share it and how long we keep it, provided that this information corresponds to the information given in this policy, (ii) to ask us to rectify any inaccurate Data about you, (iii) to ask us to stop or limit the processing of your Data which, in practice, may have to be treated as a request to unsubscribe and terminate the contract between us.

If you wish to submit such a request or if you have any questions regarding this processing or this policy, you may contact us by sending an email to :

You have the right to complain to the supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data. If you reside in Switzerland, the complaint can be filed at the following address:

Feldeggweg 1 3003 Bern, Switzerland

For more information, please visit If you are a resident of a European Economic Area country, the complaint can be filed with the data protection authority in your country.

11. Contact

If you have any questions regarding this policy, you may contact :

12. Applicable law and jurisdiction